
Various definitions regarding the baptism of fire

Dictionary & Encyclopedic Definitions

Merriam Webster Dictionary - baptism of fire
  1. an introductory or initial experience that is a severe ordeal; especially : a soldier's first exposure to enemy fire
  2. a spiritual baptism by a gift of the Holy Spirit —often used in allusion to Acts 2:3–4; Matthew 3:11(Revised Standard Version) - baptism of fire
  1. spiritual sanctification as a gift of the Holy Ghost.
  2. the first time a soldier faces battle.
  3. any severe ordeal that tests one's endurance. - baptism of fire
  1.  A soldier's first experience of battle.
  2. any initiating ordeal or experience
  3. Christianity the penetration of the Holy Ghost into the human spirit to purify, consecrate, and strengthen it, as was believed to have occurred initially at Pentecost. - a baptism by/of fire
  • A very difficult first experience of something. I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month. It was a real baptism by fire. - Baptism of fire
  •  A difficult situation that a company or individual experiences that will result in either success or failure. Examples include Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), a new CEO hired to manage a struggling company, and hostile takeover attempts.
  • A baptism of fire will either weaken or strengthen the entity involved. - Baptism by fire
  •  J. H. Thayer commented: "to overwhelm with fire (those who do not repent), i.e., to subject them to the terrible penalties of hell"
  • W. E. Vine noted regarding the "fire" of this passage: "of the fire of Divine judgment upon the rejectors of Christ, Matt. 3:11 (where a distinction is to be made between the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the fire of Divine retribution)"
  • J. W. McGarvey observed, the phrase "baptize you ... in fire" cannot refer to Pentecost, because there was no "baptism of fire" on that day. Parted "tongues," which were merely "like as of fire ... sat upon" each of the apostles. Those brothers were not "overwhelmed with fire" on that occasion. - Baptism of fire
  • Definition: trying experience
  • Synonyms: hazing, initiation, martyrdom, ordeal, rite of passage, rude introduction, test of courage, trial by fire - Baptism of fire 
  • An ordeal or martyrdom
  • More recently, a soldier's first experience of battle.
The Latter Rain Page - The baptism of fire
  •  The baptism of fire is God's way of purifying the church.
  • The chaff are the wicked people that will go through the fire and get burnt up and that includes those in the church that have not accepted the Holy Ghost and the seal of God in their foreheads.
  • What John spoke about is the refiner's fire that the world is undergoing and is associated with the end-time judgment of the house of God and the separation of the wicked from among the Bride of Christ.

Bloggers who teach that it is judgment

Dripping Springs Church of God - What is the baptism of fire?
  •  It is quite clear, from the contexts in Matthew and Luke, that John referred to two classes of people some of whom were to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and others who were to be baptized “in fire”. 
  • The context also shows that the fire alluded to is the instrument of punishment of the wicked at the last day.
  • Moreover, the character of that which is to be burned (chaff), is put in contrast with that which is to be gathered into the garner, (wheat). Thus, the “fire” that burns the chaff (the disobedient), is the fire of punishment; and this is the “fire” which is referred to as a baptism in verse 11. It figuratively describes the plunging of the wicked into the lake of fire at the last day, (Rev. 20:14,15). - The Baptism of Fire (Judgment)
  • Baptism of Fire is the future judgment for unbelievers. Hell and then the Lake of fire is where Christ rejecters will spend eternity, paying for their own sins. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. - What is the baptism of fire?
  •  an allusion to the final fate of the wicked - Baptism by fire
  •  These scriptures show the chaff refers to lost sinners, not faults in saints.
  • John calls the hypocritical religious leaders who came to his baptism VIPERS! Some of those in his audience to whom John spoke were to be baptized later with the Holy Spirit. Others are awaiting the wrath to come, which will be a baptism of unquenchable flames! There are two classes of people here, awaiting two opposite fates -- one to receive the Holy Spirit, the others flames! - What is the baptism of/by/with fire?
  •  A  likely interpretation is that the baptism of fire refers to judgment.
PreachersStudyBlog - Baptism of Fire
  • In Matthew 3, “fire” is mentioned three times. We find it in Matthew 3:10, Matthew 3:11 and Matthew 3:12. In verses 10 and 12 the reference is undeniably to judgment or punishment.
What does Baptism by fire mean and how does one do this?
  • Baptism with fire is to be sent to an eternal hell.
  • It was not something to be desired as some falsely teach! This is clear if you will read the context of Matthew 3. - Baptism of fire
  • In matters of religion, it refers to something very different, something that no one should ever want or ask for. - What is a baptism of fire?
  •  In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist used the term "baptism of fire" as a way to encourage sinners to repent. Basically, people who repented would be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Those who did not repent would baptized in fire.

 Bloggers who teach that it is a purifying work of the Holy Spirit - Baptism of fire
  •  "the process of purging and refining that the Lord works in us to make us vessels fit for His use."
  • We are baptized with fire (sufferings) in order to be a useful tool of the Lord, which He uses, to give salvation to those who are still spiritually dead. - The baptism of fire
  • "The Baptism of Fire" is the manifestation of God amongst His people.
  • As a purifying and refreshing fire it burns out the chaff of corruption, complacency, timidity, lethargy, sin and dryness of spirit. This fire purifies faith and burns away unbelief rather than bringing pain to the person who is repentant.
  • "This fire will come even without the laying on of hands. It will be seen in great numbers, as people who are gathered in prayer turn their hearts to me. Even where there is only two, it will be seen. Even though they have not prayed for it, it will come. You have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is now time for the Baptism of Fire. Be ready... And be prepared." Prophecy by Eddie Russell - May 1993
  • "You will have to stand for what you believe. You will have to choose between the world and me. You will have to choose what word you will follow and who you will respect. And in that choice, what has not been accomplished in a time of blessings and gifts will be accomplished in a baptism of fire. The fire will move among you and burn out what is chaff. The fire will move among you individually, corporately, in groups and around the world." - Prophecy given in 1980 to the National Advisory Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the USA. - A study about other types of Baptism
  •  It involves the Lord allowing his saints to pass through serious sufferings that when bravely handled, glorifies and gives honor to the name of the most high living God. This baptism of fire is only for true believers. Salvation does not mean that all is smooth. There are serious storms in the lives of the saints of God. The baptism of fire ushers the saints of God into tests, trials, temptations and other various forms of afflictions, to test their faith and their total dependency upon God. Baptism by fire brings about grace for a positive change in the life of believers towards God and enhances spiritual maturity.
  • A believer going through fire baptism is sanctified from the ungodliness in their life after passing through the hard times victoriously. Fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the purifying judgement of God. Believers need to walk in the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit will lead the saint in the ways of God. All ungodliness in the lives of the saints will have to be burned up by the fire of the Lord. - Baptism by fire!
  •  As for the fire, what does fire do?  It makes things pure.  You put silver and gold into the fire to burn out the impurities.  What does the Holy Ghost do in our lives?  It leads us and guides us into all truth.  (John 16:13) 
  • What does it do?  As a fire that purges out the dross, the Holy Ghost purges the "wood, hay, and stubble" we accumulate in our lives. - What is the baptism of fire?
  • At the risk being accused of spiritualizing Scripture, we offer good reasons to believe that the Baptism of Fire was not a fire of judgment, but a symbolic fire, not to destroy, as in judgment, but to refine and purify.

Unusual beliefs about the baptism of fire - The fire baptism and the Lost Sacraments
  • The fire baptism is a special anointing oil containing marijuana!

    1 comment:

    1. The Real fire baptism is a sumersion of spiritual fire from the sun as you stare into it through some kinda glass for over an hour and through both eyes and once the fire from sun goes all the way through your puples,eye beams (st.matthew-7) and lights up your spirit God's candle (proverbs-20:27),which Jesus said he'd light every man who came into the world (st.john-1:4-9),

      The fire baptism has to do purifying your soul and spirit and reborning yourself,the spirit baptism (st.john-3:3-6),

      Yes the fire baptism is also judgment which no one will exscap but for those who are saved don't get harmed by the fire but the tears the evil,the flesh does (st.matthew-3:11-12),and the word says judgement starts with the house of God,and (1st.corinthians-3:15/3:1-)says we're saved by fire,

      The fire baptism is about the seal of God and much more,as of now my face book page is called,

      How to receive the real fire baptism

      Check it out and read everything and please share..
